Top10 Beautifully Designed Android Apps on Google play


In early days of Android,its apps are criticized because of poor design.But now a days android apps are giving tough competition to the apps of other OS.This year android release best apps that are beautifully designed.Here are top 10 android apps:

1. Pattrn

Pattrn is unique wallpaper app for smartphones that automatically changes your wallpaper weekly/daily.Also keep a list of your favourite wallpaper.Also known as discovery app because it browse latest and popular wallpapers.Here is a screenshot of app:

Pattrn App

You can also download app by pressing download button:


2. Pocket

During web searching,you find something that you want to see later,you can put that in pocket.It can sync to your phone,tablet and you can view it any time even without internet connection.

Once you install Pocket app in your phone you can read an article during a flight, see a web page while you wait in line or watch a video while relaxing at home.

Pocket app

You can also download app by pressing download button:


3. Timer

The perfect timer application,it is a paid app.


You can also download app by pressing download button:


4. Eye In Sky Whether

Eye In Sky Whether app is whether app for android phone.It is for those who want their whether clean,simple and beautiful.This app has 14 set of icons available for different whether,however you can also add your own icons.It is a free app.

Eye in sky whether app

You can also download app by pressing download button:


5. Grand St.

Grand St. is a market place for creative technology.It is exclusively available on all android devices.It includes complete product profiles not only price and specs it also provides functionality,design,quality.

Grand St_android_app

You can also download app by pressing download button:


6. NYTimes

New York  Times app keeps you updated with the world,national new,business,arts,technology,sports,food,medicine and many more.You can also save an article on your Android NYTimes and later you can read that article.


You can also download app by pressing download button:


7. Expedia Hotels & Flight

Download this app and save 5% off your hotel booking.The Expedia Hotels & Flights app lets you a beautiful view of the trips you have planned or you’ve booked in the app or on our website. You can also save up to 60% with amazing Expedia Mobile Exclusive hotel deals and then, use your phone or tablet to find the best flight to anywhere in the world. Download Expedia today.

Expedia hotel & flights-android-app

You can also download app by pressing download button:


8. Flipboard: Your News Magazine

Flip Board provide world news and social new in your own beautiful magazine designed for your android phone or tablet. Select few topics and your flip board is built instantly,now you can filp pages or news you care about and can also share with your friends.This app simplify your daily life.

Flip Board_android_app

You can also download app by pressing download button:


9. TED

TED’s Android app provides a talks from some of the world’s most impressive and appealing  people: education radicals, tech geniuses, medical , business gurus, and music legends. Find more than 1500 TEDTalk videos and audios on the official TED app.Now available free for tablets and smartphones. 


You can also download app by pressing download button:


10. Pinterest

This app is used to collect stuff in which you are interested,organize and plan important projects.


You can also download app by pressing download button:



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