Google Cheapest Android Smartphone.
Google has announced to launch a smartphone to that will be cheapest android smartphone of all times. Smart phone price would be approximately fifty dollars ($50) that is just equal to approximately PKR 4900. It will be great step in the android market. Google is just developing this smartphone. Executive Chairman of Google said that they just want to overcome the market of smartphones (android) as they competed in others markets. He says that Google is based on innovations and we will continue to produce such innovative things for the world. He also said that there could be more innovative models of android smartphones int the market later.

Executive Chairman of Google also clears the privacy statements that Google user has always his right of not using the other services that Google provides. In this new smartphone there will be Google Glass – that allows people to communicate with others and other tools like photography tool, scanning tools.
We all are just waiting disparately for this awesome product that Google is just going to launch.