WhatsApp’s video call feature now includes support for picture-in-picture


WhatsApp has recently made picture-in-picture support available for video calls on a stable update for iOS users. The feature was initially released on the iOS beta version, and it is now officially accessible for everyone who has the latest version of WhatsApp iOS. This feature allows users to multitask while on video calls without interruptions, making it more convenient to use the app for other activities.

WhatsApp has also included additional features in this update, such as the option to add captions to documents and longer group subject and description lengths. These features were previously introduced with the WhatsApp beta for iOS update and have been available on Android for several weeks. The longer group subject and description lengths make it easier to describe groups, while the option to add captions to documents helps users better organize and find files.

However, some accounts may not have immediate access to these new features, as WhatsApp is rolling them out gradually to users over the coming weeks. To ensure that you have the latest updates and features, it is advisable to regularly update WhatsApp from the App Store or the TestFlight app.

If you have updated to the latest version of WhatsApp but still do not have the picture-in-picture support for video calls, you may have to wait for it to arrive since it is a gradual rollout. Meanwhile, WhatsApp is working on adding new features such as 2 GB file uploads and voice note transcriptions for both iOS and Android. However, these features are currently only available in beta versions.


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