Biggest Winter Olympics Ever – Sochi, Russia 2014

Sochi russia olympics 2014

Officially the 22nd Winter Olympics a major multi-national and  international sports event being held in Sochi, Russia. The opening ceremony was on 6th Feburary and following competitions were held, figure skating, skiing, and snowboard.

Sochi Olympics 2014 is the largest and most expensive winter games in history. It reminds us the cold war tension between the United States of America and Russia.

As a host of the Winter games in Sochi will be the warmest city. As these games are coming soon so here is a weather forecast: of the coastal venues range from 37 to 55 degrees. The ice events and games such as ice skating warm weather could be a problem. But weather forecaster gave good news about temperature on 20 Feburary (Thursday). But as the organizers of Sochi Olympics cannot control the temperature, so therefore they also arranged snow-making generator.

Sochi Olympics 2014

Sochi Olympics 2014


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