Operation O21 (2014) Movie Free Download Trailer


Operation: O21 is another Pakistani movie after WAR which is based upon real events. Story is based on real life events including bombing of NATO tanks inĀ Afghanistan. All the latest technology and gadgets are used to make the film an international level Spy-Action Thriller of Pakistan. The idea of this movie is to give a new genre to Pakistani cinema that has not been experimented seriously.Full cast of movie is :

Shaan as Agent – 021
Shamoon Abbasi
Ayub Khoso
Aamina Sheikh
Hameed Sheikh
Tatmain ul Qulb
Ayaz Samoo
Iman Ali
Mustafa Changazi
Gohar Rasheed
Bilal Ashraf
Abdullah Ghaznavi
Joe Towne
James Hallet
Wendy Haines
Summer Nicks
Operation O21 – Official Trailer 1

Operation O21 – Official Trailer 2


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