Lovely Birthday Quotes

lovely cake

birthday is a day when a person celebrates the anniversary of his or her birth.Birthday is very important day for a person, his/her relatives send wishes,gifts and card.Friends comes and celebrated the birthday, Birthday celebration is common in many cultures.People send wishes to their loved one on their birthday, the good card is one which is attractive and simple, so one can understand and enjoy.Here are few wishes for your friends,mother,father,cousin and loved one.

Birthday Quotes for Friends:

The Friend is a person whom you can share your feelings and affection.One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.

Birthday quote Friend

Birthday quote

Birthday quote for friend

Birthday wishes

Cute Birthday quote

Inspirational Birthday quote

Cute Birthday wish for friend

Birthday quote for friend04

Birthday Quotes for Sisters:

Sister is the one who knows each and everything about you but still loves you..!!

Birthday quote for sister

Birthday quote for sister

Cute Birthday quote for sister

Birthday Quotes for Mothers

Mothers are the people who love us for no good reason. And those of us who are mothers know it’s the most exquisite love of all.

Lovely Birthday quote mother 02

MOM birthday wishes

Lovely Mother quotes

Birthday Quotes for Fathers:

The most inspiring personality in some one’s  life is father.

Birthday Quotes for father

Birthday Quotes for father

Birthday Quotes for Love Ones :

The one special and lovely person, who completed your life and make you a feel special.

Birthday quote for love one

Birthday quote for love

Birthday quote for love 03

Birthday quote for love 03

Birthday Quotes for Cousins:

The Dearest and naughty cousins are special gift from God.

Cute Birthday Quotes

Birthday Quotes for cute cousin

Cute Birthday wish for friend


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